Those two words seem out of whack put next to each other: eternity and brevity. Although they rhyme, they aren’t synonyms! I was thinking of a way to continue to honour the memory of a dear friend, who’s continued his eternal journey directly with Jesus, and to whom I wrote a tribute in my last post.
Recently, I listened to a message by John Bevere as he shared in Bethel Church about one’s life purpose. One of the things that stuck in my head was to live this life on earth with an eternal perspective. You may have also heard like I have, that this life is a dress rehearsal for the next, for eternity, hence this post’s title.
When you receive a brief about a project or a play or a situation, as in “the LAPD chief has been briefed“, it’s usually not a detailed, punctuated, play by play, act after act retell of events. Rather, it’s a summary. A brief according to the online Oxford dictionary, is a “set of instructions given to a person about a job or task.”
And doesn’t that just describe what Jesus said in the parable of the servants whose master gave different amounts of monies to get busy with till his return? (Matthew 25:14-30). What we make of this life, our brief, is what determines how and particularly where we are going to spend eternity. Although the where is absolutely most important, the how is also critical.
Like John Bevere said only a few Sundays back, what you do on this earth with your brief, your calling, your purpose, your GOD-given assignment determines what rewards you get, determines if your works will survive the fire or be destroyed and you’ll be saved by the skin of your teeth! Read Apostle Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians 3:9-15.
Having said these things, I feel living with an eternal perspective helps me put earthly things in perspective, in their correct place, in my everyday, ordinary life. If you ask yourself this question when something seems to be getting a stronger grip of your emotions than it should, if you ask, “would this matter in light of eternity?“, or much less, “would this matter in the next 5 years?” And your answer is No.
My dear, that thing can like to park well! It’s not worth the investment of your money and time, emotional energy and peace of mind.
I remember Banning Leibscher of Jesus Culture saying he heard someone’s advice on dealing with the results of careless actions that want to cause friction in your relationships. To make sure said frictions don’t happen or at least minimise them, think this to yourself: if it’s going to be funny in 5 years’ time, it’s funny now. That definitely does help put things in the bigger picture and helps you to respond instead of react, haha.
Additionally, this eternal perspective is one to have on the front burner when handling relational conflicts. Ask thyself, “if I don’t see this person again because one of us have moved on from this life, would I be happy with where things are/were?” Again, if the answer is No, my dear, first be reconciled with thy brother and then come and offer thy gifts.
Keep short accounts. Live with a burden-free heart. Be at peace with all men where possible. Know what GOD has called you to be. Keep eternity in perspective. Don’t hold on to earthly things at the expense of the eternal.
Above all, be led by the Holy Spirit to live and walk humbly before GOD.