The Bible Study Notes Compilation Series
December 2022
Have you ever or always wondered how you read the same Bible passage as someone else, and they get all the juicy details that make you wonder if you both are reading the same Bible?
Have you been left puzzled by people who get so immersed in studying the Word of God that they can preach a full hour's sermon and then some on just one verse? Yet you can barely recite the same verse despite reading it in KJV?
Does time seem to crawl when you try to study God's Word, yet your best mate looks so pleased with her 3-hour study of 3 verses from chapter 3 of Nehemiah?
Do not beat yourself up. You are not alone. I too have found myself questioning my salvation because of how little I gleaned from the infallible Word of God.
But that was until I learned to study the Bible better, thanks to the wonderful people God brought into my life at the start of the 2020 pandemic.
And I'd love to be that person for you today, by offering you Book 1 of the Bible Study Notes Compilation series, written to help your Bible study come alive!
Click any of the links below to get started with the life of Abraham, our father of faith.
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4th book in my author portfolio, In the Life of Abraham is available for download as a pdf or via Kindle.
Click one of the following links to start reading now.